Saturday, November 22, 2008

What I learned from Ps Victor's sermon during YA camp 08 (25-27 Oct 08)

One thing I enjoyed about Ps Victor's sermon are his sense of humour and his practicality.
He not only preached but also shared his life testimony on how he actually pastored a church in Cheras which initially was very tough. In the end, the congregation & their children lives were changed and grew in their faith and walk with God.

He also shared with us a film titled, 'PS, I love you'. It talks about the love a husband even after he died, still left letters for his wife to read. The measure of a man is when a person dies.
Sometimes we have to live life one letter at a time...

Ps Victor also shared a book titled, 'Tuesdays with Morrie'.(Based on the Best Selling book) It's about mentoring. How a guy name Morrie mentored his mentoree.
When you know how to die, you know how to live...

On 25th Oct 08, I learned about the different type of boxes represent the type of person we are, our background, family and circumstances.
I learned that failure is not fatal.
We lead others by making mistakes. Life is lived forward but understood backward.
We should step out by faith and not be afraid to make mistake as long as we are in God's matrix
Deu 34:10.

On 26th Oct 08, I learned that we should 'Let Go, Let God & Let's Go.
Life is the exchange of my time for the things that I do. time can be snatched away, leak or spend.
Gen 39:1-23
1.To move forward, we must let go of our SUCCESSES...
-Success can be a setback. Psalm 16:7
2. To move forward, we must let go of our FAILURES...
-Failure is not Final.
3. To move forward, we must let go of OURSELVES...
-Character before competence
-Who we are is more important than what we do.
-Attitude comes before reality
Gen 39
-Punishment, rebuke can hurt us but it's for our good.
Eg: When God wants an inventor, He chose a slower- Isaac Newton
-Ask for God's favour

On 27th Oct 08, I learned that death has a strange way to bring meaning to life
Ecc 3:1-2, Psa 39:4-7
-We cannot change the cards we are dealth, just how we play it.
-Death is the destiny of every man Ecc 7:2
Psa 116:15- Wake up
"Accept the past as past, without denying it or discarding it.
"Death ends in life but not a relationship"
"Aging is not just decay . It's growth. It's more than the negative that we are going to die.
"Aging is also the positive that we understand we're going to die and that we live a better life because of it.
"Even God planned His own death"

The 6 types of boxes:
1. Blessing or Deco
2. Legacy or Memory
3. Burn On or Burn Out
4. Useful or Useless
5. Comfort or Self Pity
6. Discovered or Lost

-We are all made for a purpose.
-We can turn out to be for good or bad.
-Everyone is like a pencil-made for a unique and special purpose.
-We were made to do Great things for God.

Ps Victor ended each session of his sermon with an awakening question/s in life...
Questions that would make us think & reflect on what we would do or how we want to do it.

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